Executive Coaching support

From the “The Global Spouse Career" we can help facilitate your journey,

to discover and realize your

ideal career and life!

Our offers of Services

Career Coaching Program

The Career Coaching program is delivered in goup or individually

Individual sessions, a program or for a dedicated period of time

Seminars and consultancy adapted and delivered in line with the need identified for an organization.

What’s said about the company “The Global Spouse Career” and its senior consultants.

Sara Mejia Lagergren

"David was incredibly empathetic and quickly identified the areas I needed to work on. His simple and effective tasks keep me moving forward and help me maintain a positive attitude."

Javier Garcia-Norro

“David helped me increase the team performance and overall satisfaction by providing insights on how to deal with each person based on personalities and skills, and how to coach each person to work closer to their sweet spot and to increase collaboration in the team and with rest of the organization.”


Christian Norrby

"I had the great opportunity to work with David at Ericsson for a couple of years. As a colleague, David is a true team player and always ready to lend a hand. In our day-to-day work I especially valued David as a sounding board where I believe he has a rare ability to create a safe environment where he actively listens and asks deliberate questions to find solutions on whatever challenges that lies ahead. I only have good things to say about David and I give him my warmest recommendations."

Our approach

As a company, we aim to build strong relationships that allow us to offer exceptional services to all our customers and clients. We seek to understand your aspirations and goals, ensuring that we deliver maximum value to those who turn to us for support and collaboration. Our commitment is to assist you in navigating changes and achieving a successful journey in both your career and life.